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Hannibal Menwell Creed
5 Signs From A DePaul University Debate That Show The Insanity Of Leftists
Anybody reasonable knows American universities have been deteriorating to the point where academia has lost all logical reasoning, having given in to the intellectual savages better known as the progressive… read more
My Experience Building A Computer
At the end of my high school career, I quit playing video games that were wasting my valuable time. With a shift to working on personal self-improvement, my involvement in… read more
The Newfound Alliance Between Feminism, Marxism, And Radical Islam
After my previous article, I received a lot of hate mail from social justice warriors, white knights, and feminists who threw a plethora of ad hominem attacks at me, calling… read more
DePaul University Has Been Ruined By Cultural Marxism
Over my years at DePaul University, I have began to open my eyes and realize the true extent of the cultural decadence resulting from a combination of inexorable cultural Marxism, shameless… read more
Do You Want To Learn How To Code?
Three years ago when I became a college freshman, I had a certain plan in mind: become a business major, specifically accounting. After graduating, I would get my CPA, and… read more
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