Posts by

Hans Schuder
13 Rules For Surviving A Court Appearance
So you got a ticket for going 92 miles per hour in a 55 zone. Or some girl got mad and said that you popped her in the jaw. You… read more
Why Human Resources Hates You (But Not Her)
Human Resources hates you and the normal, hard-working, heterosexual guy next to you, but they love the drama queen over in the next cube. They set the stage so that… read more
My Wife Suddenly Divorced Me After Inheriting $400,000 In Cash
So there I was, driving the minivan, family buckled in, heading down the road to my father-in-law’s funeral. He was a hard-drinking, hard-cussing Navy vet, but a Korean War injury… read more
What It’s Like To Work As A Federal Consultant For The U.S. Government
Despite the excellent work of President Trump, the federal government still has a huuuge number of employees, and even more contractors. For the record, I am not talking about military… read more
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