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Harry Lime
8 Lessons I Learned About The Free Market By Investing In Real Estate
Over the past year, this ROK writer has taken a leave of absence to pursue his local real estate market in Ontario, Canada. Starting out in November 2017, I have… read more
10 Words The Left Have Forever Ruined
As the cultural war rages on, the hypocritical left have managed to remain consistent on one thing: overusing their grab bag of buzzwords to the point these words have no… read more
The Endgame Of Multiculturalism Is Race Segregation
As multiculturalism continues to fail in Europe, we must begin to understand the inevitable outcome of “pluralistic” societies, and how and why this inevitable outcome has occurred in many parts of… read more
3 Things I Learned From Dating A Latina For One Year
In keeping with Kyle Trouble’s recent post, this article will look at three key observations I’ve gathered from dating a Latina for over a year. Prior to this relationship, I… read more
How The Song “Scars To Your Beautiful” Fuels Our Culture Of Entitlement
A song rampant on the radio recently caught my ear for its troubling thematics. Its lyrics perfectly encapsulate the mindset of today’s Me Culture of Entitlement. The pop number currently clogs… read more
Canada Gives Up On Freedom And Passes Anti-Islamophobia Motion
In late March, Canada’s federal government decisively passed a controversial Liberal-backed motion “condemning Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination.” This motion, coined M-103, purports to “quell… read more
5 Things Inherently Wrong With “Love Trumps Hate”
After Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States, dismayed leftists, professional protesters, and useful idiots alike (many of whom did not even vote) fled to the… read more
How The “Baby It’s Cold Outside” Controversy Proves There Is No Rape Culture In The West
The left’s assertion there is rape culture ravaging the West can now (if it weren’t already) be put to bed—courtesy of the left itself. Recently, a Minneapolis-based duet came out… read more
Canadian Liberals Declare Self-Defense “Offensive” To Women
In Canada, self-defense has now been implicitly declared sexist by the incumbent liberals at Parliament Hill. While Canada’s extremely tight gun control laws are well-known, the extent to which self-defense… read more
Why Undercover Trump Supporters Are More Common Than You Think
He—and, in far rarer cases, she—stirs in a dark and sweaty room, like Martin Sheen at the beginning of “Apocalypse Now,” pondering the future of America. The setting sun creeps… read more
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