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Harry Lime
5 Ways To Apologize Without Giving Up Your Dignity
I know, I know. After reading the first clause of that title, the manosphere just keeled over faster than you can say “Trigglypuff.” But bare with me; there is a… read more
Toronto International Film Festival: Raw Commercialism Behind A Veneer Of Progressivism
Every year as the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) gets more socially and politically “progressive” in its filmic offerings, the more commercialized it’s become as a whole. There was a… read more
Moneyball Is A Parable Of Masculinity
If you do not know the story of Billy Beane, here is a preface: played in the 2011 movie Moneyball by Brad Pitt, Beane was the General Manager (and is now… read more
Anti-Vaccination Documentary “Vaxxed” Exposes The Medical Establishment’s Lies
“Oh my god. I cannot believe we did what we did…but we did.” – Dr. William Thompson Of all debates—the political, social, and the personal—the subject of vaccine safety is… read more
How Masculine Is Jason Bourne?
Action movie franchises, like the Bourne series, are meant to reflect the times they live in. As mammoth works of pop culture, they are designed to reinforce—and, ideally, challenge—popular tastes,… read more
Why We Need Larry David And Curb Your Enthusiasm
Recently, HBO announced that Curb Your Enthusiasm, the premium cable network’s longest-running scripted comedy or drama show, will return to the airwaves after a five-year hiatus. But now “It Is… read more
The New Ghostbusters: Bad Politics Or Bad Cinema?
The new Ghostbusters, I am here to report, is not awful; it is merely bad. With all the hubbub and controversy surrounding its all-female cast and almost chuckle-free official trailer, the… read more
Facebook CEO Promotes Subversive Globalist Views In His First Live Q&A
Last week via Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg hosted his first hour-long live Q&A from the company’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California. Intended as an open forum for any of Facebook’s 1.65 billion… read more
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