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Is Civilization Worth Saving?
ROK seems to have been established on the feeling that men are returning to their rightful places in the world. I want to evaluate that title. Many people associate kings… read more
Why Do White Girls Cut Themselves?
First, I’d like to explain the provocative headline to this article. Self-mutilation is a white girl problem that is encouraged by feminism, yet another example of how feminism is overall… read more
The Myth Of Female Agency
I would like to put a myth to rest: “Behind Every Great Man is a Great Woman.” This maxim is utterly false, and easily demonstrated to be the polar opposite… read more
Does God Have A Place In The Red Pill Man’s Life?
Who programs the game? You? God? Cosmic accidents? Evolution and Jesus are all over the Internet’s “manosphere.” Middle aged married folks are mingling and bumping elbows with restless young cads…. read more
The Different Paths Of Western Manhood
Previously: 4 Red Pill Concepts You Need To Understand In my previous article I discussed several concepts central to the the Red Pill awakening shared by men in the West…. read more
4 Red Pill Concepts You Need To Understand
This article begins to serve as an introduction to the manosphere and the Red Pill. It is for men who have been struggling with their wives and girlfriends, or with… read more
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