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Jared Trueheart
Rick And Morty Is Targeted For Beta Males Who Crave Alpha Male Fathers
Dan Harmon, a co-creator of the very successful adult cartoon Rick and Morty, is in some heat lately because of a tasteless comedic sketch he filmed some time ago. It’s… read more
4 Ways Western Culture Creates Weak Husbands
As much as some of us would like to think women are solely to blame for the degradation of the family unit, they are not. Men are to blame too…. read more
Women Are Destroying The Lives Of Their Children By Choosing To Work
Working moms… is this anyone more vain than a mother who has prioritized her career over the care and safety over her children? No, there isn’t. Men don’t have a… read more
6 Theories Why Women Have Rape Fantasies
A surprising amount of women have rape fantasies. If you don’t understand that true statement you have a great deal of company. Researchers and scientists have been baffled by this… read more
10 Attractive Teachers Who Had Sex With Their Teenage Students
Compared to just 30 years ago, so much of what we expected from men and women has reversed. Men used to be the ones spending extra hours at work trying… read more
Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction
Sci-fi used to be an action-packed, thought-provoking genre of storytelling. Sometimes sci-fi stories can even be prophetic. Here’s a great article about an Isaac Asimov sci-fi/mystery and how our culture… read more
3 Hypocrisies The Porn Industry Uses To Pretend They Are Moral
Porn is now an accepted feature of life in the digital age. It’s nearly impossible that it wouldn’t be. Everyone has cell phones and every cell phone acts like a… read more
5 Ways Women Make Themselves Masculine
The perversion of sex roles in the Western world has led us down the route of androgyny. Men are behaving more like traditional women and women are behaving more like… read more
6 Reasons Why Women Are Obsessed With Vampire Stories
Vampires were once great monsters of folklore. They were parasitic predators who fed on blood, the human life force. They were evil beings sent from the underworld to fulfill their… read more
This Diet Coke Commercial Shows Everything That Is Wrong With Society And Women
Take a look at this Diet Coke commercial: I saw it before the previews of a movie last time I took my wife out on a date. The message in… read more
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