Posts by

Jared Trueheart
3 Steps To Save The American Family
The decline of Western civilization is a precarious topic. It already seems so definite that many have chosen to become MGTOW or take the black pill. Still others think that… read more
Do You Have A Loser Mindset?
One of the most important characteristics of the manosphere is our drive for improvement. We strive to improve our physical strength, mental strength, relationships, friends, and family. We strive to… read more
Why Masculine Men Are Natural Environmentalists
Environmentalism has gotten a bad rap the last few decades. People who care about the environment are usually labeled hippies or activists or feminine or—worst of all—government regulation-loving leftists. Those… read more
Modern Movies Suck: A Tale Of The Two Total Recalls
Everyone knows modern movies generally suck. Everything is a remake, and a bad one at that. It seems that movie producers today don’t ask, “How can we make a great… read more
The “Free Market” Is A Myth
Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. —John Maynard Keynes The dumbest thing that otherwise smart… read more
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