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JD McGuigan
4 Words Liberals Use As Weapons To Destroy Western Society
A very bombastic yet very intelligent, sharp, and witty radio talk show host named Michael Savage refers to the left’s war on American values as an assault on our “borders,… read more
How A Corporate Detox Can Benefit Your Mental Health
Freedom is defined as “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” In a first world, 21st century context, I define freedom… read more
The Anti-White Racism Of “Moderate” Muslims
It is no secret that anti-white racism is a growing trend and a default position in leftist circles nowadays, whether it is promoted by SJW types or white leftists themselves… read more
Why We Should Strive For Mass Unemployment
The goal of an advanced economy in the 21st century and beyond should be mass unemployment, with one estimate putting the ideal number between 75-80%. Now that you’ve spit your… read more
The Opposite Of Masculinity Is Stagnancy
A common dogma of the red pill is the idea that indifference, not hate, is the opposite of love. In a similar way, it is important to understand that the… read more
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