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Jean-Batave Poqueliche
The Next James Bond Is Rumored To Be Black
That’s it. One more symbol soon defiled, just a few to go. After attacking numerous European figures in film and series, twisting the history of the Ancient Greeks, Romans and… read more
The French State Launched Its Great Stalinist Purge Against The Right
The summer has not yet started but the temperature already went up in the Soviet-like court rooms cracking down on “hate speech” throughout France. Right-wing figures keep being doxed, tried… read more
9 Methods To Heal A Damaged Back And Keep It Strong
Believe it or not, it is due to a back injury that I discovered Return Of Kings. Being bedridden and with some time on my hands, I was looking up… read more
British Army Instructor Faces Court Martial For Making A Female Recruit Cry
An instructor of the British army may be court martialed after he was filmed yelling at a female recruit during a bayonet course and the video was uploaded on the… read more
20 Memes That Capture The True Nature Of Women
Despite their simplicity, memes have a true power. They are essential tools to spread an opinion and convince a vast audience. They are effective because they are relatable, easily shared… read more
Be Like A Tree
Be it the resilient willow or the impressive cedar, trees have inspired humans for millennia, as the symbol of strength, longevity, and rebirth. Nowadays, men look only towards their peers… read more
Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite
French justice just acquitted a man after he had sex with an 11-year-old girl, on the grounds that the “sex was consensual.” As you probably know by now, after inoculating the most… read more
Norwegian Ski Team Accused Of Being Literally Nazis For Using Millennia-Old Runes
Apparently, if air comes in and out of your lungs, you are a Nazi. Well, Nazis did breathe, didn’t they? So, there you go, racist! Although it sounds totally absurd, this… read more
Why Is Buzzfeed Aggressively Normalizing Hardcore Porn?
The BuzzFeed network, owned by Kenneth Lerer and Jonah Peretti and home of the lowest testosterone levels on the Internet, now focuses on segments trying to normalise the lives of the deranged… read more
30 Signs That A Woman Has Slept With Over 100 Men
I have had my fair share of women. While some encounters were a truly positive addition to my life, most were sluturions (“slut” plus “centurion”) who’ve dealt with one-hundred spears…. read more
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