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Jean-Batave Poqueliche
Famous French Actress Gets Attacked For Trying To Tell Women The Truth About Rape
One hundred French women lead by actress Catherine Deneuve have signed an open letter defending men’s “freedom to pester” women, accusing the new wave of international feminists to cry rape “on a… read more
Christmas Is Becoming An Act Of Resistance
Gather round folks, sing, eat well, and be merry. In those uncertain times, the bond you share with your circle during Christmas matters more than ever. The roots keep the… read more
5 Benefits Of Making Things With Your Hands
I have always enjoyed creating things with my hands. I believe it is a good way to counter our contemporary society when it encourages us to be mindless consumers, with… read more
Migrants Commit An Astounding 82% Of Rapes In Sweden
A compilation of documents have been released by a subversive Swedish website and subsequently relayed by the aptly named, which details how between 2004 and 2014, 82% of the… read more
The Media Establishment Hires Soy Boys To Help Spread Their Anti-Masculine Agenda
The “Try Guys” at Buzzfeed, or as Trump branded it, “that failing pile of garbage”, shot one more of their asinine click-bait videos where they visited a lab, to determine… read more
Would The World Be Safer For Women If They Were Declared The Legal Property Of Men?
It is grim to realise that we have reached a point where our contemporary society is so sick, that it could be healthier for everyone if women were imposed the… read more
6 Quick Game Tips For Meeting Ukrainian Girls
I just spent a month in a second tier Ukrainian city, to determine whether this country would suit me for a long term stay. I passed through there last summer… read more
6 Reasons Why Frenchmen Have A Cowardly Reputation
The treacherous, lazy and cowardly French. We have all come across this cliche. It is time to understand what are the forces behind the creation of this unjust reputation and… read more
French Government Does Nothing About Black Looting On Hurricane-Ravaged Island Of St. Martin
Earlier this month, Hurricane Irma hit with unusual force the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, following Hurricanes Cindy and Harvey that devastated the Antilles and some parts of the United… read more
4 Television Productions That Show How British Media Is “Blackwashing” History
The recent years have seen a sharp rise of the historical facts that the British media voluntarily distorts to depict them as more inclusive and politically correct. The recent outbursts… read more
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