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Jean-Batave Poqueliche
France Adopts Law That Uses Informants To Monitor Private Conversations For “Hate Speech”
The French Government, led by Emmanuel Macron, adopted a law on the 5th of August 2017 punishing non-public “provocations, insults & slander” against those who are (or not) part of a certain… read more
Swedish Museum Accelerates Their Cultural Collapse By Turning Viking Artifacts Into Scrap Metal
Following the revelations of one of its angry archaeologists, it emerges that the curators of Stockholms Länsmuseum have been ordering the systematic destruction of newly found artifacts from the Iron Age… read more
YouTube Blocks Conservative Views While Allowing Video That Teaches Children How To Use Dildos
After the detestable propaganda contained in the latest #MoreThanARefugee and #ProudToBe videos, which Youtube actively promoted, they are doubling down by not removing a video called Parents Explain Masturbation, which… read more
10 Steps That Helped Me Get In The Best Shape Of My Life
Disclaimer: I am not (yet) a fitness guru and do not own academic qualifications in that field. I still have things to learn. I am sharing with you the excellent… read more
8 Essential Tips For Girls Who Are Fat
The other day I received news about one of my beta friend’s girlfriend, a nasty, spiteful, ignorant woman who convinced my friend to blacklist me because I was “evil” (read:… read more
European Union Plants Seed Of War By Preparing Sanctions Against Visegrad Nations That Reject Migrants
In June 2017, The European authorities released a statement announcing legal action against three European nations, Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic for not taking “the necessary action” in accepting migrants and… read more
Professional Female Fighting Is Grotesque And Must Be Banned
Why do female fighters still exists? That’s what I asked myself after clicking on the below video that appeared in Youtube’s invasive “Recommended for you” list. I was surprised that the fragile cucks at… read more
NY Mag Attacks Return Of Kings For “Radicalizing” Men Yet Remains Silent On Islamic Extremism
It seems that reading articles about how to sleep with more girls or how to become a stronger, more masculine, or successful man is the same as doing the Muslim… read more
How To Gain Access To Hot Girls By Becoming A Photographer
During my last trip to Ukraine, I met my friend’s childhood friend. He knew Kiev and showed us around. He struck me as a total beta male from the first encounter—limp fish… read more
Is Lauren Southern A Brave Culture Warrior Or Merely Profiting Off Male Thirst?
Female pundits, what my colleague Michael Sebastian describe as “pundithots,” have appeared recently in alternative media. By showcasing attractive women, men in charge of alternative news companies applied basic corporate logic: more… read more
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