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Jimbo Jones
More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women
By now, we all know the whole “one in four women will get raped” chestnut is a bunch of bullshit. That misconception stems from a 1985 Ms. Magazine survey conducted… read more
The #MeToo Sexual Harassment Hysteria Is A Pretext For Women To Take Power And Money From Men
Nothing ever happens in a vacuum, and no movement suddenly blossoms into existence without some kind of endgame in mind. And if you were wondering what the final phase of… read more
The NFL Is Killing Itself Through Identity Politics
Literally the only thing I watch on TV is sports. If hockey, boxing, MMA or the occasional soccer game isn’t on the tube, I shut the thing off. This is… read more
Daily Stormer Is The First Website To Be Banned From The Internet For Its Speech
Years from now, the “Unite the Right” event in Charlottesville, Virginia may be remembered—oh so ironically—as a digital rights Kristallnacht. And it may have turned Daily Stormer owner Andrew Anglin,… read more
How Toxic Femininity Turned Men Into Tranny Chasers
Perhaps the greatest lie of the 21st century is that men need women more than women need men. We’ve all heard the tired and trite musings a million times by now…. read more
Women Lag Far Behind Men In Tech Fields Despite Endless Girl Power Propaganda
I keep seeing a commercial that features a cartoon woman who works in some kind of factory. Displayed prominently in her work-space is a Rosie the Riveter propaganda print, emblazoned… read more
It’s Your Civic Duty To Fat Shame Obese Women
I’ve always found it moronic—if not morosely comedic—that middle-aged women think the plastic proportions of Barbie dolls have a negative influence on the emotional well being of little girls. Perhaps… read more
Top 10 Manliest Movies of All-Time
The 2017 summer movie slate might just be the least testosterone-addled in cinema history. Between the faux female-empowerment of Wonder Woman and Atomic Blonde, the enforced multiculturalism of The Fate… read more
Bill Maher Is Being Attacked By The Deranged Leftist Cult He Helped Create
For those of you who somehow missed it, on the June 2, 2017, edition of Real Time with Bill Maher, the HBO host dropped the dreaded “n-word” during an interview… read more
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