Posts by

John Carver
5 Reasons Haiti Is Indeed A Shithole Country
Haiti is a disaster zone. It’s the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, and the epitome of a ‘failed state’. It’s a country founded upon the wholesale slaughter of 3,000-5,000… read more
“Hate” Is A Perfectly Normal And Healthy Emotion
Of all the words that the alt-left / SJW’s have twisted around in recent years for their nefarious agendas, to the point of being radically different (i.e. given the 1984… read more
6 Signs That A Man Is A Cuckold
Wikipedia defines cuckold as… A husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are… read more
5 Old But Awesome Weapons That Have Not Been Made Obsolete
If there is anything that Hollywood has taught us with their relentless sequels, remakes, and feminazi updates of beloved classic films, newer does not necessarily equate to a superior product…. read more
20 Passages From George Orwell’s 1984 That Have Become Reality
As the back cover of my cheap paperback copy of George Orwell’s masterpiece dictates… 1984 has come and gone, but George Orwell’s prophetic, nightmarish vision in 1949 of the world… read more
9 Reasons Nazism Should Be Kept Out Of The Masculine Right
In the wake of the recent incidents in Charlottesville, where the whole right wing spectrum has taken a gigantic hit in credibility and sympathy due to the actions of a… read more
4 Benefits That Minorities Enjoy While Living In “White Supremacist” Countries
All across the Western world, but most notably in the United States, we keep on hearing about how awful “white supremacy” is. Apparently, white people (and particularly white men) have… read more
7 Recommended Products For Your Butthurt Liberal Friends
It’s tough to identify as a liberal. Just about every major news network shares your political viewpoints, your beliefs won’t get you ostracized or terminated from your employer, your rantings… read more
5 Reasons Women Should Be Banned From Working As Police Officers
Here at Return of Kings, we aren’t exactly the biggest fans of the great flood of women entering the workforce. Every female who takes a relatively well-paid full-time job is… read more
New TV Series “Confederate” Will Be Used To Browbeat And Humiliate Southern Whites
The developers of the massively popular ‘Game Of Thrones’ TV series, (((D.B. Weiss))) and (((David Benioff))), have recently announced that their next television project will be an alternate history dystopia… read more
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