Posts by

John Carver
4 Ways Female Travel Bloggers Damage Young Women
As social media has exploded in recent times with the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, few other pursuits have been shoved more prominently into the faces of people… read more
7 Great Ways For Leftists To Virtue Signal Against Nazism
According to young leftists, “Nazis” seem to be everywhere these days. If you took their (literally Hitler) word for it, you would think they are hidden under your bed, hiding… read more
5 Types Of Malaysian Girls Found In Kuala Lumpur
When men are traveling around Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur does not immediately come to mind as a hunting ground for prime female companionship. It’s always been overshadowed by the likes… read more
7 Ways “The Walking Dead” Hates Straight White Males
“The Walking Dead” has perhaps been the most popular television show around the world for most of the 2010’s. Within the United States, its TV ratings often fall below only… read more
5 Excellent Retirement Countries For Masculine Men
The recent election of Donald Trump has given a renewed sense of hope for the reemergence of traditional masculinity in the United States, and across the western world for that… read more
6 Reasons Progressives, Leftists, And SJWs Are (Literally) Hitler
For a long time, the political left has been on the rampage trying to call out Donald Trump as “literally Hitler“, obviously as an emotionally charged incentive to try to… read more
The Stunning Accuracy Of The Book Digital Nomad
Digital Nomad, a now somewhat forgotten book which was first published in 1997, was one of the first major books which explored and hypothesized a near-future world where office buildings,… read more
5 Reasons Visible Tattoos Will Negatively Impact Your Life
Tattoos do not “rock.” Tattoos do not make you “edgy” or “cool.” Tattoos are not a cornerstone to being a successful musician or sports star. In fact, for Mr…. read more
4 Leftist Propaganda Videos That Had Their False Narrative Called Out
Virtue-signaling leftist corporations frequently use the Youtube platform to bombard our eyes and ears with an endless assault of painfully bad propaganda. In many cases, we are forced to sit… read more
It Doesn’t Matter If Women Win Gold Medals At The Rio Olympics
The U.S. mainstream media is hailing the record number of female athletes which are heading to Rio de Janeiro for the Olympic Games, with a total of 292 out of… read more
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