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John Carver
3 Simple Rights You Should Have As A Businessman
Once upon a time, the United States was a land of astounding entrepreneurial activity, relatively free from the shackles of government red tape and absolutely no social justice intrusion on… read more
5 Reasons All Young Women Should Be Beach Body Ready
Sadiq Khan, the pushover Muslim mayor of Londonistan, recently banned all “Are You Beach Body Ready?” advertising campaigns from public transit vehicles within the British capital, including the walls of… read more
5 Common Things Women Say On Tinder And What They Really Mean
Like it or loathe it, Tinder has become a major component of people’s dating repertoire in the past couple of years. For many people far removed from university, people who… read more
6 Logical Fallacies From Race-Obsessed Jewish Leftist Tim Wise
This article is a continuation of an educational series addressing SJW’s and their logical fallacies on Twitter. CNN commentator Sally Kohn was the first person showcased in this series, and… read more
7 Common Logical Fallacies That Marxist Sympathizer Sally Kohn Effortlessly Teaches Us
Sally Kohn is a lawyer, political commentator, and “community organizer” (professional agitator) who worked extensively with the National LGBTQ Task Force and regularly appears on CNN. A secular Jew, ardent supporter… read more
The 12 Step Social Justice Warrior Recovery Program
‘Twelve Step’ programs have become famous in the United States as a set of guiding principles which outline a course of action to recover from an addiction, compulsion, or detrimental… read more
Why Do Feminists And Social Justice Warriors Use So Much Profanity?
Ever since I stumbled upon the manosphere several years ago, one of the things that struck a chord with me was how comparatively clean and civil the discourse was between… read more
6 Logical Fallacies You Can Expect From Feminists And SJWs
Logic and reason have never been the strong points of feminists and the social justice crowd. Really, we are truly overwhelmed by how often they slander, sabotage, and twist around… read more
8 Bits Of Manosphere Wisdom From Homer Simpson
One of televisions all-time greatest dumbasses has some things to teach us? Who would have thought! Here are eight scenarios from throughout The Simpsons‘ lengthy lifespan (but mainly the 1990’s)… read more
One Way To Defeat Your Social Anxiety
There is an all-to-common condition (affecting 20-25% of people) that is a thorn on the side of any man who wants to conquer his destiny, and achieve greatness in life… read more
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