Posts by

John Doe
6 Websites You Can Use To Become a Web Developer Today
Learning to become a web developer is one of the best investments you can make. If you’re a writer, you’ll be able to design every aspect of your blog with… read more
5 Reasons Why She’s Acting Desperate
I recently brought a woman home that was a little bit of a hipster. It’s not my usual pick but why not. Variety is the spice of life and all… read more
6 Behaviors That Are Making Men Unemployable
Social Justice used to only have an influence on the internet, where the weird kids who never had a voice could share their ridiculous opinions. The bathroom wall has now… read more
How To Be More Productive With The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro technique is a time-management tool that breaks work periods into one time frame, and a short rest period into another. It usually involves a 25 minute work sprint… read more
Crazed Indian Woman Attacks Uber Driver And His Car, Faces No Legal Consequences
Recently, a 30 year old Indian woman living in Florida named Anjali Ramkissoon attacked an Uber driver and then started destroying his car and personal property. In spite of video… read more
How To Game Indian Girls In India
What do you do if you work for a multi-national and you get sent to India on a work assignment? Do you just forget about game entirely and be celibate… read more
Are You Strong Enough To Fight A Tiger?
Many of you may have heard of the book called Autobiography of a Yogi. It is literally an autobiography of an Indian man who went to the Himalayas and attained… read more
Are Anti-Depressant Drugs The Reason Why Many American Women Are So Fat?
25 percent of American women are taking psychiatric drugs, with the majority of those being anti-depressants. As anti-depressant drug use has increased 350 percent over the past 10 years, it… read more
The Most Powerful Yoga Exercise
Yoga is an ancient philosophy that means literally “to unite with the Divine.” It was a way of life that helped one focus all of one’s actions on attaining this… read more
5 Ways To Not End Up Homeless
In today’s unstable economy it is a very real threat for many men that they could lose their job, lose their savings, and end up living on the streets. According… read more
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