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John Doe
What To Do If You’re A Virgin In Your 20′s
Every once in a while, someone posts a comment that goes something like this: “I’m in my early to mid 20s and am still a virgin. I don’t know what… read more
Can Spirituality Or Metaphysics Help Us Become Free From Fear?
One characteristic of a masculine man is the quality of fearlessness. What does this mean exactly, and how does one attain such a quality? Fearlessness does not mean being stupid or… read more
Why Western Men Prefer Foreign Women Over Their Own
My previous article talked about 10 Reasons Why Foreign Women Are Superior To American Women. I thought we would perhaps like to enlarge on that and explain more about why… read more
10 Reasons Why Foreign Women Are Better Than American Women
1. American women have unreasonable standards. They expect you to have a big house in the suburbs and a salary of at least 150,000 dollars from a high status job… read more
Indian Feminist Seetha Kulandaisamy Gets An American Man Fired
A few days ago, Captain Capitalism published a link about an Indian feminist who had gotten a guy fired from his job in Austin, Texas over a sign that made a light-hearted… read more
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