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John Hydenius
Germany And Sweden Redefine Consent To Put More Men On The Hook For Rape
The German parliament has passed an new law redefining rape. “No means no” is the new ground rule which means that a rape could have happened even if the victim… read more
Study: Homosexuals And Bisexuals Are More Likely To Be Mentally Ill, Drug Abusers
It’s summer now, and in Sweden that means it’s pride parade season. One thing that’s different this year is that the very gay Milo Yiannopoulos is coming here to lead… read more
3 Reasons For The Downfall Of Mainstream Journalism
As I’m reading Roosh’s new book Free Speech Isn’t Free, it strikes me how complicit the mainstream media (especially in Canada) was in spreading SJW lies about his speaking tour…. read more
10 Ways Men Are Horribly Oppressing Women
Lately I’ve had a change of heart when it comes to feminism. I’ve started to notice the kind of everyday sexism and misogyny that women go through. I’m thinking, if… read more
Should Racist Words And Drawings Be Forbidden To Not Offend Muslims In Europe?
A drawing (seen above) by the Norwegian artist Thomas Knarvik, with Swedish politician Ali Esbati depicted as an ape, has sparked controversy in Norway. The satiric drawing shows Esbati’s head… read more
Is Sweden Slowly Becoming An Islamic Caliphate?
In French writer Michel Houellebecq’s novel Soumission (Submission) from 2015, the Muslim Brotherhood Party wins the presidential election in France. The French protagonist sees his country change to become more… read more
When Everyone Has To Accept Gay Marriage, It’s Not Tolerance But Tyranny
A Swedish business owner will have to pay thousands in damages to a lesbian couple who wanted to have their wedding at her rural venue. The religious owner of the… read more
Sweden’s Hopeless Impotence Shows That Nations Need Hardship To Remain Strong
Why is your people so nationalistic while my Swedish countrymen are not? I asked my Eastern European friend this question recently, and he quickly came up with an answer. “We… read more
Man Shares Hard-Earned Wisdom After Being Married To A Swedish Feminist For 25 Years
I want to share with you a selection of quotes from a new book I’ve just read. The book, called Den sista grisen (The Last Pig), is basically a collection… read more
Feminists Have No Idea What’s In Store When Muslim Values Become Accepted
The Swedish government has been through a tough week. One of the two ruling parties, the Green Party, has had two of their representatives resign after scandals related to their… read more
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