Posts by

John Hydenius
How To Kill A Welfare State
So you’re tired of living in a welfare state. Tired of the government telling you what to think, what to do and how to use your money, all in the… read more
Why Father’s Day Is The Scorn Of Swedish Feminists
Swedish dads should not be celebrated on Father’s day, one feminist says. While the mothers are raising the children and doing all the work at home, dads lean back and… read more
The Sweden School Attack Was Just What The Leftists Needed
The left goes on and on about Sweden being a racist country, without any proof at all. In fact, any evidence you can find points to the exact opposite. But… read more
New Forecast Says 160,000 Immigrants Will Seek Asylum In Sweden This Year
With every day that goes by, thousands of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East pour into Europe. So far, there seems to be no end in sight to this… read more
Immigrants Are Now Occupying Private Property In Sweden
Gypsy migrants from Eastern Europe are coming to Sweden to beg for money on the streets. They set up camps on private property, and occupy houses they don’t own. But… read more
Moroccan Minors Now Live On The Streets Of Sweden
Several hundred Moroccan children live on the streets of Sweden, reports the investigative journalism TV program Uppdrag granskning (Mission Investigation). Their main sources of income are drug dealing and theft…. read more
Swedish Bath Houses Ban “Fat Shaming” Scales
For many years what’s called “träningshets” have been a subject of debate in Sweden. It literally translates to something like “exercise incitement,” meaning that some people feel pushed by societal… read more
Why Does Sweden Take In More Immigrants Than Other Nordic Countries?
The worst refugee crisis since World War II continues. People are entering Europe through Italy and Greece, many of them with the goal of reaching Germany and Sweden. But why… read more
All Swedes Will Be Forced To Fund Female Promiscuity
The Swedish left-wing government will make contraceptives free of charge for young women. They see it as a “women’s health” issue, a way of preventing unwanted pregnancies. The good news… read more
Islamists Harass Swedes In Increasingly Immigrant-Filled Swedish Suburbs
The clash of civilizations continues, and Sweden’s immigrant neighborhoods have now become one of its battlegrounds. Several women have testified this summer to being controlled and harassed by Islamist men…. read more
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