Posts by

Jon Anthony
4 Examples That Show The Globalists Are Losing Ground
The media is beginning to demonize the manosphere and alt right. Twitter has suspended multiple accounts, such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Ricky Vaughn, and Matt Forney. The Guardian wrote a hit… read more
4 Goals For The Neomasculinity Movement During Trump’s First Term
Gentlemen, I am filled to the brim with joy. We have successfully thwarted the globalist’s plans to ruin America—we’ve fought against the big banks, we’ve fought against the Satanic pedophile… read more
Why It’s Absolutely Worth It To Learn Game
After my previous article, which advocated that men learn game as a form of self-development, I got a good amount of disagreement—most of it was not inaccurate. The majority of… read more
Trump Presidency Creates Mountains Of Salt From Butthurt Liberals
Rejoice, gentlemen! The tears of liberals are flowing freely, as Donald Trump has recently been announced president. All of the hard work that we’ve committed ourselves to over the past… read more
Game Is A Modern Rite Of Passage That Helps Turn Boys Into Men
Anyone who’s been involved in the manosphere for long enough knows about the concept of a rite of passage. For tens of thousands of years, when boys hit the age… read more
Why Every Man Must Take Control Of His Finances
The world that we live in is nothing like the world that our parents lived in. Back in the pre-globalization era, of roughly 1940-1990, it was completely feasible to expect… read more
5 Major Signs That She’s Using You
It’s no secret to the men of ROK that women use men. Yes, this is obvious to even the newbie who’s trying to learn game. But, it does not do… read more
5 Well-Paying Jobs For Men Who Dropped Out Of College
It’s no secret that more and more men are opting to avoid colleges and universities altogether. With false rape accusations at an all time high, SJW indoctrination posters surrounding every… read more
How To Find A Girl For A Relationship
It’s no secret that in our society, more and more women are becoming completely incapable of forming a life-long bond. Years of riding the cock carousel permanently alters women’s brains,… read more
Why Masculinity Is Dying Off In America
Everywhere you look, it seems that we are facing an epidemic: more and more weak men are being created, and more and more strong men are dying off. We live in… read more
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