Posts by

Jon Bergeron
Hillary Clinton’s Socialist Manifesto Shows Why Women Shouldn’t Be Involved In Politics
It is no surprise that most men are inclined towards freedom and individualism, while most women are inclined towards security and collectivism. Building on this dichotomy, we have many examples… read more
Is The Anonymous Hacker Collective Promoting Dangerous Cyber Fascism?
Anonymous again finds themselves in news headlines. This time they are targeting none other than The Donald. This internet “hacktivist” group has known to target police and supposed members of… read more
Reclaiming The Lord Of Literature From Modern Leftists
As the left rewrites history and continues to bulldoze anything that is deemed unfit for public history consumption to “remedy the errors of the past”, let’s not forget the name of… read more
Why Modern Leftists Are Fascists
Fascist movements are implicitly utopian because they—like communist and heretical Christian movements—assume that with just the right arrangement of policies, all contradictions can be rectified. This is a political siren… read more
Skateboarding Can Teach Young Males Self-Discipline And Hard Work
Nothing is more pathetic than the 30-year-old long boarder appearing disheveled as if he just rolled out of bed, skating down the street with a dumb, smug smile on his… read more
Millennials Exemplify The Age Of All Equal, All Useless
It is great that most millennials are such pussies. It offers many opportunities to the rest of us, including the well-paying jobs and getting with the most attractive women with… read more
“Down And Out In Paris And London” Is George Orwell’s Disappointing Exception
George Orwell is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. He was a soothsayer and a genius. Read Inside the Whale (a must read for all Orwell fans), Animal Farm,… read more
The Quality Of Modern Movies Signals Our Cultural Decline
“When our food and clothing and housing all are born in the complication of mass production, mass method is bound to get into our thinking and to eliminate all other… read more
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