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Jon Socrates
The Ideology That Can Soundly Defeat Liberalism Is Patriarchal Nationalism
Patriarchal nationalism is a political and social framework based on red-pill wisdom, articulated by ROK’s own Roosh Valizadeh and Michael Sebastian. This framework is an antidote to the poison that… read more
7 Progressive Laws That Are Causing Demographic Collapse
It’s no secret that much of the world is in demographic decline, with developed nations breeding below their replacement rate. To solve this problem, developed countries have spent decades buttressing… read more
10 Reasons Why Liberals Are Barbarians
A question you may have asked at some point is: Why are civilized men and women in the West facilitating the decay of their own civilization? This, however, is a… read more
We’re Only Three Small Steps Away From Legalized Pedophilia
In a few decades, progressives were able to normalize homosexuality in mainstream culture and finally legitimize homosexual relationships in the eyes of the law. In just a few years, progressives… read more
The Importance Of Mythology To Manhood
One of the most profoundly insightful books I’ve ever read is The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. In this book Campbell uses myths from around the world… read more
Another Whiny Feminist Reveals The Hypocrisy Of Feminism And Social Justice Warriors
Amanda Hess is the author of a prodigious number of feminist rants. Highlights include chastising Stephen Colbert for hiring writers based on his assessment of their talent, rather than affirmative… read more
Lessons About Modern Culture From George Orwell
Russia has invaded Ukraine, racial tensions are flaring up here in the States, and the Middle East is even more violent and pissed off than usual. Some have even speculated… read more
Sex Robots Are Becoming A Better Option Than Western Women
Check out Julie Beck’s article, A (Straight, Male) History of Sex Dolls. It’s an interesting survey of the history of sex dolls, followed up by a look into the phenomenon of… read more
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