Posts by
Juan Sanchez Villalobos
Orange Bus In Spain Causes Political And Social Outrage For Stating There Are Two Sexes
A bright orange bus appeared in public on Monday in the city of Madrid with several phrases written on its sides stating blatant biological facts: “Boys have a penis, girls have… read more
How Hypergamy Is Destroying The Nuclear Family
Hypergamy: a woman’s natural preference for a male that is of higher status than other men and also higher status than herself. Among the wide range of relationships that most… read more
Spanish Politician Is Crushed For Questioning Feminist Dogma
Europeâs first law specifically cracking down on gender-based violence was unanimously approved in Spain at the end of 2004 under the government of José Luis RodrÃguez Zapatero. This law called for public… read more
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