Posts by

Justin Puck
6 Warning Signs Your Wife Is Planning A Divorce
Guys, it’s no secret – marriage in the west is fraught with risks. The divorce rate is said to be around 50%, the woman is usually the one who files,… read more
What Young Men Need To Know To Avoid A Statutory Rape Accusation
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. If you are charged with a criminal offense or think that you may be, contact your attorney. If you are a Western man under… read more
Is Theranos A Girl-Powered Scam?
Elizabeth Holmes was supposed to be the grrl powered answer to Steve Jobs, black turtleneck and all. At the encouragement of a professor, she dropped out of Stanford University at… read more
5 Reasons Why Women In Army Ranger School Is Worse Than You Think
There is an old joke in the US Army: How many Rangers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Three—one to screw it in, and two more to… read more
6 Things I Learned From An American Terrorist
Eric Rudolph is a convicted murderer currently serving time for several bombings including the 1996 Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta. Living on the run in the woods of North Carolina… read more
Why You Should Think Twice Before Attempting Day Trading As A Career
Most American guys reading sites like this long ago realized the best women are no longer found at home. Therefore, living overseas and supporting oneself via a remote work gig… read more
5 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Getting A DUI
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. If you are charged with a DUI, contact your attorney If you are a young man in America in the habit of practicing night… read more
Singapore’s Society Promotes The Decline Of The Modern Man
Singapore is a unique Asian gem, often called the Switzerland of the east. It actually may remind you of what America used to be—reasonable rates of taxation, tough punishment for… read more
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