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Kalos Kagathos
The Moral Tales That Have Helped My Life
It is my belief that moral reasoning is an art rather than a science. This means that one must seek to develop their innate sense of beauty, proportion, and meaning… read more
Why Free Speech Isn’t Free
Free Speech Isn’t Free by Roosh is the firsthand account of a live education in what freedom of speech precisely entails, how to safeguard it, and where the threats to… read more
Bodybuilding Alternatives To The Deadlift
When I say deadlift, I’m specifically referring to the conventional deadlift, sumo deadlift, Romanian deadlift, and rack pulls. While there is such a thing as stiff-legged deadlifts, I don’t classify… read more
A Beginner’s Guide To Breaking Bodybuilding Plateaus
In case you are unfamiliar with it, let me introduce you to the plateau. In the process of adding plates and muscle, at various points you will inexplicably find yourself… read more
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