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‘Kirill Was Here’ Exposes The Hypocrisy Of Feminism
Kirill Was Here. That is the calling card for the professional party photographer based in New York City. If you visit the Twitter feed or Facebook page by the same… read more
Women Fight For Attention On Facebook Like They’re In A War
Facebook is without question one of the most revolutionary and significant creations of the 21st century. It has produced an information and social platform unlike anything we have seen since… read more
7 Words Men Use To Describe Women (And What They Really Mean)
I read a piece today titled, 7 Words Women Use to Describe Men (And What They Really Mean). It was fair enough, but I don’t really know or care too… read more
Why Are American Women Acting Like Men?
We all know that all-to-familiar sound. You are sitting in one of your favorite late night hangouts when a sound that resembles something close to a pack of hyenas in… read more
Why Asian Women Are Better To Date Than American Women
“Once you date an Asian girl, you will never go back.” Men often hear something similar to this from other men who have dated Asian women, meaning women directly from Asia,… read more
Most Women Don’t Deserve A Good Man
Jennifer was the 22 year old bartender at my favorite local pub back home. She was friendly enough and we had a good rapport. We often would share stories of… read more
No Woman Can Escape Mother Nature’s Devastating Reality Check
Time and time again I run into younger fellas, frustrated with the entitled “treat me like a princess because I have a pussy” females of today. I explain to them… read more
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