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Kyle Trouble
American Children Don’t Play Outside Anymore
I’ve lived out of the United States and in Eastern Europe for nearly two years now. Despite this, there are some things that seem so simple in nature that I… read more
The Red Pill Men Who Were Never Red Pilled
There is a certain subset of men I have lot of respect and admiration for. And admittedly, I’m jealous of them, too. They’re the men who have an unplugged understanding… read more
It Was A Nightmare To Return My Apple Airpods After I Discovered They Were Giving Me Headaches
A computer company that refuses to do email. That’s what you deal with when you buy from Apple. After a fiasco involving Apple’s AirPods spanning nearly half of a year,… read more
Is It Worth It For You To Visit Brno, Czech Republic?
It’s no big secret at this point that capital cities in Eastern Europe are somewhat played out. Between tourists flocking to these “new and exotic places,” stag parties stumbling through… read more
Millennial College Graduates May Never Own Their Own Homes
In February of 2016, I walked out of my corporate job for the final time to my new life of freedom. I anticipated several years of being a poor digital… read more
How High Will Men Jump To Get Married?
For many years, I’ve been bombarded with advertisements, articles, and general advice from the mainstream media about how to properly propose to a woman. From the cut of the diamond,… read more
Girls Will Think You’re A Coward If You Don’t Make A Move
She was the roommate of my good female friend. She had that blonde, girl-next-door kind of look. She’d also grown up in a town close to me. I’d hung out… read more
Top 3 European Cities To Visit If You Have Two Weeks Or Less
If a man has only two weeks of vacation a year, he might be hard-pressed to fit everything into a trip that he wants to achieve. Assuming your average single… read more
Does Legalizing Prostitution Shift The Balance Of Sexual Power To A Man’s Favor?
Not long ago, a reader of my blog sent a question in asking what my thoughts were on escorts and general prostitution. While at one point in my life I… read more
Is Sofia (Bulgaria) Worth A Visit?
I recently spent a week in Sofia, Bulgaria. I was quite impressed by the friendliness of the people, the modernity of (some) areas, and the general vibe of the place…. read more
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