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Kyle Trouble
When You Have Everything But Are Still Unhappy
I stomped on the gas pedal as the light turned green. Clutch out. Tires peeled. The throaty roar of the Mustang took over the cockpit. Clutch in. Second gear. 45 mph…. read more
4 Tips For Long-Term Relationships With Foreign Girls
Dating girls in the West is about the same as buying a lemon car. No matter how much maintenance you put into the thing, something is just always broken. There’s always… read more
When The Little Inconveniences Of Living Abroad Begin To Add Up
The cashier at the restaurant handed me the credit card terminal. I slid my card into the terminal, as I’d done many times before. As the receipt printed, I removed… read more
Chris Pratt Shows How A Relationship Is Doomed If One Partner’s Value Changes Dramatically
A divorce between a Hollywood A-list couple always brings people to tears. I’ve never understood why this is. Every time a “power couple” breaks up, people take to Twitter and… read more
4 Trifling Conversations American Women Love To Have That Fry Your Brain
I was out with one of my readers the other night, who had the good fortune of never really coming across an American woman in his life. But this month, he’s… read more
How To Make Your First $100 Online With A Simple Niche Site
The following article was sponsored by Pro Niche Site. Sometimes, it’s the simple things that can have great returns. In 2017, we have informational overload. As a result, there is… read more
Cars 3 Is The Latest Movie To Brainwash Young Boys Into Being Subservient To Females
While I might be a little old to be seeing movies like Cars 3, there is something nostalgic about them. So while I’ve outgrown them as far as age, I’ve still… read more
There Is No Such Thing As “Passive” Income
Most of my grandparents were born in the 30s or 40s. When I try to explain to them how I make my income, they can’t even come to fathom it…. read more
6 Rules All Expats Should Live By
There are many people, in many parts of the world, living life on their own terms. Away from The Man. Unhitched to a mortgage, career track, or any real obligations…. read more
5 Reasons To Hit Up Language Exchanges If You Travel Abroad
In the last year and a half that I’ve live abroad, I’ve learned one thing over and over again—it sucks having to leave people behind. Good friends are hard to… read more
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