Posts by
L.D. Hume
The Benefits Of Having A Good Wingman
Preparing Yourself Having a wingman you can depend on makes your gaming life incredibly easier. However, before you begin searching high and low for that great wingman, you must do… read more
Through The Looking Glass
My first year of law school I was paired up with a mentor. His name was Jeff, a very nice guy actually and we kept in contact with each other… read more
Stacy’s Sculpture
Stacy’s parents knew she was something special — she displayed extraordinary artistic talents at a very young age. So as a child they bought her an array of creative material… read more
A Modern American Dinner
I met her last week, an internet girl in a city where the girls on the internet are actually attractive. Cute, thin and nice she put on a good front… read more
5 Signs You’re Not The Only One She’s Sleeping With
As I discussed last week, Tinder has been an incredible enabling agent in women’s slutification. Every day that goes by the women of the West become more and more like men. Quicker to… read more
Tinder Is A Microcosm Of American Culture
In the 1980s, there were personal ads. This required a woman to come up with a few sentences about herself, contact a newspaper or magazine and pay for the ad,… read more
Beware The Pitfalls Of Seeking Validation
My development as a male has come with a lot of realizations. Many of them have had a substantial impact on both my outward life as well as my own… read more
My One Year Of Not Masturbating
As I stated in my previous article, the last time I masturbated was February 24, 2013. On Monday I hit a full year of abstaining from what is essentially a… read more
How To Be An Appropriate Slut
Recently, a female wrote to Christian and I inquiring about something that is often asked of men like ourselves. Let’s call her Kim. The full text of the email is… read more
How Male Dominance Creates Better Sex
There are certain things that are almost universal truths once you ingest the red pill and understand the male vs. female dynamics. One such thing is the fact that male… read more
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