Posts by
L.D. Hume
Women Belong At Home, Not At The Office
A short time ago I wrote this article on my grandmother and how her unfettering embodiment of the traditional role of housewife has had nothing but positive effects on both… read more
The One Law Of Economics That Shapes Your Sex Life
Three years ago I ended up at a male strip club in Vegas. I will spare you guys the details of why it came about, but it was in support… read more
10 Tragic Examples Of Pretty Girls Ruining Themselves With Bad Hair
Ah Tuthmosis, how you love to enrage the internet. As an aside to the fundamental principles of Tuth’s article, here are some girls who went from riches to rags. 10…. read more
Stop Dwelling On The Past
By now I’m sure most of you have either heard this phrase or said it to yourself many many times before: If only I could go back in time with… read more
The Red Pill Diaries
Friday My buddy’s pissed, I kept him up all night banging a random tinderella the night before. Same script as always, go to same wine bar, get same bottle of… read more
One Of The Greatest Tools In Your Game Arsenal
As I mentioned earlier this week in one of my tweets, I started reading The Rational Male’s new book (which I am very much enjoying so far). Early on he… read more
Should Eating Pussy Be The Most Important Thing You Do In Bed?
Recently I came across a book I bought over 7 years ago in my dumber years that, thankfully, I never actually read until now because I may have actually listened… read more
Why America Causes Men To Be Unnatural
“What are you drinking?” I ask the blonde to the left of me as I wait in line to order a drink at the bar. She blurbs vodka something, in… read more
The 7 Sexiest Things A Girl Can Do
Unfortunately, if you are looking for a raunchy, pornographic style filth list then you will be disappointed. While a lot of these do have to do with acts preceding or… read more
Give Her Tingles, Not Torture: Erica’s Story
Alex Erica was tired. She had spent all week working on a new project for her company and thought she’d treat herself to a quick drink after work before meeting… read more
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