Posts by
L.D. Hume
Bang It Forward
In today’s article, I will provide you with a recipe to exponentially increase your bangs. Ingredients 1 Main Male (yourself) 1 Main Girl you are fucking (preferably imported) 2-3 Friends… read more
5 Steps To Living Like A Nomad
In the past six months, my longest residence in a single place has been one month in Kiev — despite the fact that I “live” in Los Angeles. And since… read more
The Worst Bang Of My Life
In 2005, I had no semblance of “game” and had only been with a handful of girls. This included the one I had just broken up with, a terrible choice… read more
4 Reasons Why American Women Are Gross
I spent this past week with a Russian girl I met in Moscow, who was visiting America for the first time. Aside from how refreshing it is to be around… read more
The One Change Facebook Can Make To Create A Better World
This past Saturday I came across a Facebook post I thought deserved some recognition: The truth about marriage, American girls, and the need for #FatShamingWeek all in one screenshot.… read more
The Only Girl For Me
I have a confession to make. Despite everything I say and my beliefs towards women and relationships, there is one female that has been a part of my life for… read more
Thin Privilege Doesn’t Exist
Females love to rationalize. Fat females love to rationalize even more. Sometimes, we get a rationalization so big it must be called out. Today is one of those times. This… read more
Our First Date
I met you either at a bar somewhere or online and after a few playful texts we choose a night to meet. It is of no import if it is… read more
Women Don’t Know How To Argue With Logic Or Facts
I do not want to offend you gentlemen. I know some of this is basic knowledge. But I could not help pointing out how stupid some people are, and how… read more
A Typical Tuesday
Stupid alarm clock. “What time is it?” Becky mumbled to herself as she laid on her bed, her cat Ariel right next to her. She moved the six pillows around… read more
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