Posts by
L.D. Hume
But You’re A Good Girl
This past weekend, I was reminded that no matter how you perceive a certain girl, no matter how “tame” you think you can make her — she will always have… read more
“Russian Girls Are All Whores”
That, or a variation of that conclusory statement, is what various girls told me after hearing I was going to Russia for an extended period of time. My sister told… read more
How Can I Go Back?
The television series LOST featured a group of people who survived a plane crash on a mysterious island. Far far away, this island was very odd and entirely different from… read more
Young Girls Are Better Than Older Women
When he asked me out, Barbi recalls, I was 18 and he was 42. I said I’d never gone out with anyone older than 24. Hugh replied, “Neither have I.”… read more
A Lesson In Storytelling
This post reminded me of a girl I went out with a few years ago. In response to an online opener I sent her, she wrote me a truly remarkable… read more
Happy Birthday, America
I looked at my watch and it was midnight. July 4th had officially come. I had just arrived at a bowling alley with two girls, one of which I had… read more
The Benefits Of Not Masturbating
The last time I masturbated was February 24th. Why? Because before that, I had several streaks of not masturbating — including one for 165 days — and for me the… read more
3 Quick Tips To Protect Yourself Legally
Being a litigator and dealing mostly with business related issues, I come across a lot of instances where either my client or the opposing client could have avoided a huge… read more
There Is No Spoon
One of my favorite movies is the Matrix. That comes as no surprise as it is widely known as a great movie and a pioneer in the concept of how… read more
The Effect Of Americanization On A Hungarian Girl
This past weekend in Budapest I was given a clear look at how Western influence can ruin a society. These two dates took place on consecutive nights, allowing me to… read more
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