Posts by
L.D. Hume
Why So Ugly?
Most people in America are pretty damn ugly. Don’t believe me? Next time you leave your home, take a good look at the people around you — at the general… read more
The Oscar “Fallout” Is A Sham
Following Sunday’s Oscar event, Ms. Davidson of the New Yorker decided that humor and fact can be interchangeable with sexism and misogyny. Using words such as “ugly,” “hostile,” “sexist,” and… read more
Happy 50th Michael
This past Sunday, Michael Jordan turned 50. He is an incomparable individual that transcends sports by way of his talent, achievements and most of all his character. As unarguably arguably… read more
A Tale Of Two Men
Meet my friend Jack. In a lot of ways, we are very similar. We are both lawyers. We went to the same law school together. We were in the same… read more
The Death Of Ladies Night In America
You’ve all seen the promotions. Bars and clubs go out of their way to have one or two nights a week geared, at least in appearance, to entice and attract… read more
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