Posts by

Larsen Halleck
How To Train With A Keg
Who doesn’t enjoy lifting weights? It’s a ripping good time—whether you be training to make yourself stronger and fulfill your potential as a man, or purely to pack on aesthetic… read more
Jews Are Not Entirely To Blame For The Ills Of Modern Western Society
If you make the mistake of reading the work of mainstream journalists, you’ll notice that many of them are writing about the sudden and inexplicable rise of bigotry in America… read more
Why American Education Sucks
Seeing as about a month ago I wrote an article on the decline of fitness training as an organized discipline, and possible ways to redeem it, I started thinking about… read more
3 Examples How Persons Of Color Appropriated Other Cultures
About a year ago, I did an article on the topic of the dread “cultural appropriation”, that longstanding claim that all white culture consists of things “stolen” from noble, benighted… read more
5 Reasons Why I Quit My Job As A Personal Fitness Trainer
A few months ago I wrote an article analyzing the pros and cons of being a personal trainer. My life has gotten to a point where I am no longer… read more
Should You Get Super Cut For The Summer?
Summer is rapidly approaching, which means that we’re going to all be wearing progressively lighter and more revealing clothing—which can of course be a blessing or a curse for your… read more
It’s A Myth That Crack Cocaine Punishments Were Created By Whites To Punish Blacks
So if you haven’t noticed recently, mainstream black commentators are in a bit of a huff about body cameras being put on police—the thing that they had been previously requesting…. read more
Men Who Constantly Hate On American Women Are Sore Losers
As somebody who has gotten a few “flags”—mostly from emigres, tourists, and exchange students—I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t “think locally and fuck globally” in the immortal… read more
5 Exercises You Can Do With Medicine Balls
“Medicine balls?! Haw Haw!” you’re probably cackling to yourself. “Why not do an article on Indian Clubs or those electro-shock penis stimulators from the Victorian era, Grandpa?!” First of all,… read more
5 Variations Of The Classic Deadlift
We all love the deadlift, don’t we? Of course we do, the venerable “king of exercises” and all that. I have always said that you can tell something is worthwhile… read more
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