Posts by

Louis Stuart
Democrats Care More About Illegal Immigrants Than American Citizens
Forty-three Democrats in the United States Senate decided to shut the government down last week. In doing so, they’ve made a choice that is open and clear for all to… read more
5 Powerful Game Lessons from Robert Greene’s 33 Strategies Of War
Robert Greene is famous for his books on seduction. The Art of Seduction is a self-descriptive title and The 48 Laws of Power often deals with the subject as well,… read more
Progressives Will Not Stop Until Civilization Is Completely Destroyed
A great deal of people have often commented here asking: “Where does it stop?” In everything from the efforts to stigmatize normal flirting (while ignoring rape from “migrants”) to criminalizing… read more
5 Ways To Find Out If A Girl Likes You Or Not
Troy’s recent article about building comfort had me pondering an important question related to my overall game style – should you try to force indicators of interest out of a… read more
Understanding The “Degenerate Triad” Of Irrationalism, Emotionalism, And Symbolism
Much ado has been made about the supposed “left-right” cultural divide. More recently, the divide has been explained in terms of genetics. The origins of the “culture war,” some people… read more
How The Dissident Right Can Topple The Two Main Pillars Of The Left
Postmodern leftism is not a coherent set of ideas. Much as we may hate the losing forces of “Conservatism, Inc.” that ooze timidity, we can at least say that they… read more
Men Must Be Educated In The Classics If They Wish To Regain Masculine Fortitude
Quintus recently sent me a review copy of his translation of Sallust’s Conspiracy of Catiline and War of Jugurtha. Both chronicles take place during a turbulent period in Rome’s history…. read more
How To Become A More Persuasive Writer By Channeling Homer
There are two ways to become a better writer: write more and read more. I first read the Odyssey at the age of 14 and The Iliad at 17. I… read more
How The Globalist Establishment Is Smartly Adapting To The Rise Of Populism
We can safely say that the establishment is learning and adapting from their stupendous losses in 2016, so they’re adapting their messaging and persuasion attempts accordingly. Initial A/B tests like… read more
How Robert Cialdini’s Book “Pre-Suasion” Improved My Game
Countless words have been written about the role of attention whoring in the game today. While this is considerable, it’s worth paying attention to the concept of attention itself. Specifically,… read more
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