Posts by

Louis Stuart
5 Ways To Become More Persuasive
My first real foray into the world of sales, selling, and persuasion (outside of game) came a few years ago at a seminar from one of the most successful real… read more
The Failure Of Ryancare Is A Win For Trump
The fake news media and the Democrats are gleefully gloating about the failure of the Republicans to live up to one of their key campaign promises: repealing and replacing Obamacare. As… read more
5 Talents That Help Men In The Modern Age
As winter is about to come to an end, I hope you guys have all been working hard. Much as we may detest the cold, there’s really no better time… read more
Trump Vs. The Deep State: The War For America’s Soul
Michael Flynn’s recent ouster as National Security Adviser was the first battle in what’s shaping up to be a war for the future of America’s soul. Unfortunately, Flynn’s ouster was… read more
11 Lessons In Leadership From Julius Caesar
I always begin a new year by reading a biography of a great and successful man. Roosh’s big ass book challenge of a few years ago was part of my… read more
How The Washington D.C. Swamp Is Still A Threat To Donald Trump’s Administration
Happy New Year, Return Of Kings! Now having said that, the festivities are over and it’s incumbent on us to look forward, not back. We won great victories last year,… read more
Why The Fake News Media Is Promoting Russian Hacking Hysteria
The current year was the gift that kept on giving when it comes to pulling back the curtain on the powers that be. What we’ve seen since Donald Trump’s win has… read more
10 Recent Examples Of Fake News From The “Real News” Media
Refusing to learn from the great rebuke they’ve experienced this year, our friends in the legacy media have doubled down hard, continuing their shrieking hysterics and redoubling their efforts to… read more
How We Can Win The Propaganda War
It’s now been over a week since the most glorious victory ever recorded in the war against rapacious globalism and lunatic Cultural Marxism—the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency… read more
What Would Happen If Hillary Clinton Wins?
Although I predicted a Donald Trump victory last fall, and my confidence in this outcome is higher now than ever, we must still prepare for the worst. As he himself… read more
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