Posts by

Louis Stuart
How You Can Cast A Vote For Donald Trump
With the first caucuses and primaries in the books, it’s important for us to prove that Trump is not simply a transitory phenomenon, but that he actually has voters willing… read more
A Book From The 90s That Predicted Our Degenerate Future
There is a tendency for people who first come into this corner of the world to be dismayed and overwhelmed by the degeneracy. I would say that this is also… read more
Masculine Wisdom From Homer’s Odyssey
In continuing with the theme in my previous article, I want to highlight some lessons from Homer’s Odyssey that I thought were important. The Odyssey is a subtler poem than… read more
4 Timeless Lessons From Homer’s Iliad
Like many in the manosphere, I have a certain set of rituals that I conduct to keep my mind sharp. One of these rituals is that I read the Homeric… read more
The Most Important Way You Can Fight The “Social Justice” Collective
As the fallout from Rolling Stone’s irresponsible and socially destructive “journalism” continues, it unfortunately appears that nothing good will come out of it. No procedural reforms in Rolling Stone’s “journalistic”… read more
Society Needs A Good Dose Of White Knight Shaming
As we begin to formulate a manifesto around the reinvigoration of masculinity, I believe that we, and society as a whole, need to devote a solid plank in our platform… read more
Tactics For The War Against Cultural Marxism In 2015
Our enemies committed many blunders in 2014, but that is now the past. We need to be at the top of our game if we want to expand our offensive… read more
4 Ways Beginners Can Choose Better Girls To Approach
You’re outside, feeling good about yourself. You’ve finally gotten your approach anxiety under control with your first few experiences and now you’re looking at a very different world. What a… read more
#GamerGate Proves That No Hegemon Is Everlasting
It seemed a typical September day in 490 B.C. Summer was turning into autumn, but the change in the seasons was probably not very apparent. Warmth still filled the air…. read more
10 Life Lessons From Louis XIV
Louis XIV was King of France and Navarre from 1643 to 1715. His reign was one of immense transformation. France emerged as the leading power in Europe, not just in… read more
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