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Luke Stranahan
The Official Narrative Of The Las Vegas Shooting Is Bullshit
Here we go again. Although I was hoping we’d make it out of 2017 without some mass shootings, we picked up one last weekend on Sunday night on the Las… read more
Republican Congressman ‘Felt The Bern’ Of Leftist Shooting Rampage
On last Wednesday, June 14th, James Hodgkinson, a leftist, opened fire on a recreational baseball game of Republican Congressmen in which they were training for a charity event. He shot… read more
10 Things To Remember About Writing
In this increasingly electronic and remote society we have, much of our communication is done online. Everything from texts to emails to the words right here are written on a… read more
10 Things I Learned At A Run ‘N Gun 5k Race
There is a whole lot of various training that can be had for firearms usage in the US, and one type that is growing in popularity is simulated exercises of… read more
An Introduction To Rifle And Pistol Ammunition
I’ve written a good many firearms articles for Return Of Kings, and I’ve gotten a couple comments regarding ammunition selection. As a gun is useless without proper skills, so it… read more
An Introduction To The Combat Shotgun
Part of a man’s arsenal is detailed towards defending his home. The pistol is a good thing to carry while out and about, and it makes a good nightstand decoration…. read more
6 Things I Learned From My Excursion To Japan
A man should do some traveling during his life, and some of us get the benefit of doing it for work and having the company pick up the tab. I… read more
NY Daily News Writer Bashes Trump’s Cabinet For Being Not Educated Or Black Enough
“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” Originally attributed to George Bernard Shaw, this maxim has hung around for a hundred years in various forms (my brother likes to… read more
Weapon Ballistics: How To Make A Shot At Long Range
As the fields of various firearms technologies evolved, we’ve seen the capabilities of the different types of small arms grow in scope and diversity. What was originally the same gun… read more
10 Things I Learned From Driving A Moving Trailer Cross-Country
The world is a big place and sometimes you need to move to a different place than the one from which you started to pursue the life you want. With… read more
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