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M.T. White
How The Legacy Media Polices Speech From Within
The recent dismissal of Bill O’Reilly from Fox News confirms that no man has a secure job in the media—especially if they don’t conform to leftist ideology. The fact that… read more
Why Chuck Norris Is Worthy Of Praise Rather Than Parody
Chuck Norris is worthy of every man’s respect. But you wouldn’t know that watching any mainstream media today. These days, he is more an object of playful sneering at best… read more
Action Films Are As Cucked As Hollywood Itself
I’m not a moralist when it comes to simulated violence—it doesn’t bother me. Also, the action doesn’t need to be “realistic” for me to enjoy it. It really depends on… read more
How Book Publishing Got Cucked
Before I decided to take the leap in to self-publishing, I tried to get my novel published by one of the Big Four only to receive a slew of rejection… read more
Why Quentin Tarantino Is One Of Hollywood’s Biggest Cucks
You’ve probably seen at least one of his movies. You might’ve even quoted some of the lines from those movies. You’ve definitely heard of him. Quentin Tarantino: “QT”, Hollywood “Bad… read more
Hollywood Has Forgiven Mel Gibson, But At What Cost?
Ten years after a DUI arrest and the release of his war film Hacksaw Ridge, Hollywood has officially forgiven Mel Gibson. The American-Australian star, best known for his portrayal of slightly… read more
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