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Marcus Aurelius
How The Viral Hashtag #WasteHisTime2016 Will Spectacularly Backfire On Women
The number one trending topic, one week into 2016, has turned out to be the charming hashtag of #WasteHisTime2016. If you’re on social media it’s more or less a given that… read more
How Cinderella Shows The Harsh Realities Of The Sexual Marketplace
“Shakespeare said that art is a mirror held up to nature. And that’s what it is. The nature is your nature, and all of these wonderful poetic images of mythology… read more
The Mountain And The Valley
There was once a tall mountain that stood on a ragged stretch of coastline, where storms blew and rain blasted the beaches. Wind and wave and water had smashed at… read more
Are Modern Women Modern Thinkers?
If your mind ever boggled as to how the hell a woman could come to a particular conclusion, against all the seeming facts or data at hand, you actually have… read more
With First World Problems Like Feminism, The West Doesn’t Need Enemies
“We have White People Problems, in America. That’s what we have. White People Problems. You know what that is? That’s where your life is amazing, so you just make shit… read more
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