Posts by

Mark Webster
The True Meaning Of Diversity Is Discrimination
Diversity is a buzz word we keep hearing more and more, especially in the workplace. On the surface the concept appears warm and fuzzy, conjuring up images of all colours,… read more
Why It’s Time To Boycott Women’s Tennis
With the Australian Open starting next month, it’s time to highlight once again that women tennis players are massively overpaid. Female players are paid the same as their male counterparts,… read more
10 Ways To Fight Back Against Feminism
We’re all justifiably sick of feminism, but at some point men need to either put up or shut up. It is true the average man must be careful in how… read more
How Social Justice Warriors Ruined Australian Football
For many years, nothing epitomised Australian masculine culture more than Australian football. Hardy men engaged in rugged physical combat, cheered on by thousands of beer-drinking fans, revelling in the blows,… read more
Why Feminism Is To Blame For Revenge Porn
Sometimes you can’t help but think there must have been divine intervention. The same day I pen my article about why Adelaide women are the best in Australia, I pick… read more
Why Adelaide Has The Best Women In Australia
Australia is a beautiful country that unfortunately houses some of the most entitled, masculine, and feminist women on the planet. Many grew up with the economy firing on all cylinders… read more
5 Things You Must Do If You Have A Female Stalker
I’ve recently been through a harrowing ordeal with a female stalker that lasted nearly a year, so I feel well-credentialed to write this article. Thankfully, the deranged woman in question… read more
Want Better Women? Stop Feeding The Beast Of Online Dating
I realize the irony of what I’m about to say, given I wrote this article for a website, but it’s no secret that men spend far too much time online… read more
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