Posts by
Matt Forney
The Divorces Of A Fat Dad Aged 44 1/4 Is A Poignant Look At Modern Marriage
The following review is sponsored by The Divorces Of A Fat Dad Aged 44 1/4. One of the most bizarre things about dating, relationships, and marriage is that not only… read more
Brittany Pettibone, Martin Sellner, and Lauren Southern Deported From U.K. Amid Alt Lite Drama
The big news over the weekend in the alternative media is the sudden, unexpected arrest of American YouTube host Brittany Pettibone and her boyfriend, Austrian nationalist Martin Sellner, by U.K…. read more
SPLC Targets ROK For Leftist Violence By Smearing It As A “Male Supremacist Hate Group”
It looks like the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of America’s premier ethnic shakedown organizations, is running low on donations again. This week, they announced the new edition of their… read more
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Is One Of The Worst Films Of The Decade
No one will ever go broke underestimating the masochism of Star Wars fans. With the exception of last year’s Rogue One, every Star Wars film for the past twenty years has… read more
The Dissident Right Is Being Subverted By Fame-Seeking Women
In the past year, one of the biggest trends in the alternative media has been the rise of female personalities who advocate traditional values and right-wing politics. Figures such as… read more
Why Net Neutrality Is An Unnecessary Fraud
Last month, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced that the FCC will vote to end net neutrality regulations on December 14, reversing policy instituted by the Obama administration. Under the current… read more
3 Depressing Realities About Living In Eastern Europe
In January of this year, I packed my things and got on a one-way flight to Budapest, Hungary to start my life anew after nearly two years of living in… read more
Tinder’s “Menprovement” Marketing Campaign Reveals Their Utter Disdain For Male Customers
Social justice is like a termite infestation, ripping its way through the body politic and leaving nothing but sawdust in its wake. The latest victim is Tinder, the quasi-useful phone… read more
Meet The Billionaire Jewish Family Funding Breitbart And Milo Yiannopoulos
For the past several years, Bob Mercer, a reclusive billionaire and co-chair of hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, has been covertly funding numerous right-wing movements in the U.S. and U.K. A… read more
Joss Whedon Pretended To Be A Male Feminist While Cheating On His Wife With Young Actresses
As Vox Day wrote in his book SJWs Always Lie, SJWs always project, and the extraordinary downfall of director and screenwriter Joss Whedon in the past week is the latest evidence of… read more
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