Posts by
Matt Forney
20 Signs That We’re Not Living In A Patriarchy
Feminists typically justify their beliefs by claiming that America (and the west in general) is a patriarchy, a society where men dominate and women are subjugated. But does our world really privilege… read more
Songs Against Sex: Collette’s Dream Man By Andy Nowicki
NOTE: Andy Nowicki is a personal friend of mine, and this article represents my personal opinions on the merit of his work. Western society is drenched in sex. Creepy “sex educators” teach prepubescent… read more
America’s Booty Obsession Is Another Symptom Of Social Decline
Ayn Rand once wrote, “Show me the woman [a man] sleeps with and I will tell you his valuation of himself.” If this applies to American men in general, our nation… read more
Will The Philippines Become The Next Poosy Paradise Lost?
As Return of Kings readers are well aware, I’ve been singing the praises of the Philippines for a while now. While I’ve never particularly cared for Asian women, Filipinas are so… read more
“Manspreading” Shows The Social Retardation Of Young Women
In the past couple months, there’s been a sudden explosion in articles decrying anti-social behaviors that men apparently are guilty of. The most well-known is “manspreading,” the idea that men… read more
The Myth Of Yellow Fever
Recently, YouTube personality and aspiring actress Anna Akana posted a rant about white men who fetishize Asian women. In the video, Akana recounts her experiences with yellow fever-stricken white nerds with such bitterness that… read more
Why Does The Left Support Radical Muslims?
In the wake of the Muslim attack on the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, the left have cast their lot in with a pair of savages who viciously murdered nine people because… read more
Why Is The Transsexual Lobby Trying To Politicize Leelah Alcorns Death?
On December 28, 2014, Ohio teenager Leelah Alcorn committed suicide by waltzing in front of an eighteen-wheeler. Born Joshua Ray Alcorn, he’s become a cause célèbre among SJWs and LGBT types because… read more
What Will The Next Great SJW Hysteria Be?
With the rapid implosion of the UVA rape case, America’s bout of rape hysteria appears to be grinding to a halt. Like lemmings strutting off a cliff, the SJW media… read more
5 Reasons Why You Should Not Date Indian Girls
As America becomes increasingly diverse, prospective love tourists have the ability to sample foreign dishes without having to book a flight to the country where they came from. To the… read more
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