Posts by
Matt Forney
The Overnighters Shows The Desperation Of Men In Modern America
“If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.” John 15:18 Over the past few years, Williston, North Dakota has become famous for its oil boom and the… read more
Are Transsexuals Who Sleep With Straight Men Guilty Of Rape?
Like a drag queen’s schlong popping out of his pantyhose, transgenderism has suddenly become the cause du jour of social justice warriors. Across America and the west at large, transsexuals are… read more
Masculinity, Misanthropy And Mirth: Inside The World Of Ann Sterzinger
NOTE: Ann Sterzinger is a personal friend of mine, and this article represents my personal opinions on the merit of her work. Self-publishing has been one of the greatest innovations of the… read more
Why Is Pando’s Sarah Lacy Leading An Anti-Male Smear Campaign Against Uber?
Sarah Lacy is the owner of Pando, a tech news site that bills itself as “the site of record for Silicon Valley.” For the past couple of years, Lacy and her… read more
9 Signs She’s A Cheater
In the past year, I’ve had no less than five different girls cheat on their boyfriends or husbands—or attempt to cheat—with me. I’m not talking about seedy hookups on Tinder where… read more
Lena Dunham And The Hollowness Of Millennial Girls
Last week saw one of the most embarrassing temper tantrums ever thrown in public, when Girls creator and feminist activist Lena Dunham went into a “rage spiral” at people calling her… read more
Why American Men Should Refuse To Vote
Tomorrow, the U.S. holds its midterm elections. While not quite the orgy of inanity that is a presidential election, there’ll be plenty of idiocy pouring out of the chattering classes… read more
Why Men Should Not Go To College
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: going to college was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made. I spent four years of my life in the ivory… read more
How To Stand Up To Abusive U.S. Customs Officials And Win
It’s a familiar ordeal for any American who’s ever traveled abroad. Every U.S. citizen with the temerity to explore lands unknown is forced into a grueling, humiliating interrogation with Customs… read more
5 Reasons Why Girls With Tattoos And Piercings Are Broken
No girl has ever improved her looks with a gaudy mural injected under her skin or a piece of metal dangling from her nostrils. There’s no man on Earth who… read more
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