Posts by
Matt Forney
5 Reasons Why Girls With Tattoos And Piercings Are Broken
No girl has ever improved her looks with a gaudy mural injected under her skin or a piece of metal dangling from her nostrils. There’s no man on Earth who… read more
If You Can’t Get Laid In The West, You Won’t Get Laid Abroad
The most common refrain against men who travel abroad to meet girls is that they “can’t get laid in the United States.” The people who make this accusation are almost always girls,… read more
6 Things White Girls Can Learn From Filipinas
Two months ago, I decided I was sick of rainy weather, stuck-up hipsters and high taxes and left New York for the Philippines. My friend Mark Zolo recommended the place… read more
How To Shave Your Head
With the exception of a two-month stint I spent in North Dakota last year, I’ve cut my own hair once a week for the past five years, and I haven’t regretted a… read more
The Myth of Date Rape Drink Spiking
I remember the first—and last—time someone tried to roofie a girl I knew. It was years ago in college. I was at a house party with some friends when we… read more
What Hitchhiking Taught Me About Picking Up Girls
Last year, I went on a hitchhiking trip across America that lasted six months and took me across sixteen states from New York to the West Coast. It was a wild, harrowing and… read more
6 Reasons Why Portland Sucks For Single Men
I relocated to Portland from my hometown of Syracuse, New York last year as part of a cross-country trip to see America and change my life. While I like the… read more
Are You Riding The Tim Ferriss Wheel?
Once upon a time, I was a Tim Ferriss groupie. Well, not exactly, but I did think The 4-Hour Workweek was the greatest invention since RU-486. When I first went to Barnes & Noble to… read more
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