Posts by
Matt Forney
Night Of The Digital Knives: Silicon Valley Launches Biggest Internet Censorship Purge In History
As the fallout from the failed Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend continues, leftist-controlled tech and social media outlets have started mass censoring right-wingers and banning them… read more
“Unite The Right” Rally In Charlottesville Shut Down By City Government And Their Violent Leftist Allies
Earlier today, the scheduled Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia was shut down after violent antifas launched a riot. According to both organizer Jason Kessler and speakers Richard Spencer… read more
Anti-Defamation League’s Hate List Puts Alt Right And Alt Lite Figures At Risk Of Leftist Violence
Earlier this week, the Anti-Defamation League published an article titled “From Alt Right to Alt Lite: Naming the Hate,” singling out 36 purported members of each movement—including myself—as “white supremacist”… read more
3 Reasons Why You Should Apply For A Job In The Trump Administration
With the election over and done with, America is turning its attention to the transition from President Obama to President Trump. In barely two months, the Donald will take office,… read more
Why Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech Was A Massive Success
Ever since the end of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions last month, the mainstream media has been leading an unprecedented assault on Donald Trump. Rigged polls that oversample Democrats… read more
How To Register To Vote For Donald Trump
On November 8, millions of Americans will cast their ballots for president, as well as numerous other down-ballot races. Given how hostile America has become to men in the past… read more
Why You Should Shun Girls Who Support Abortion
When it comes to the abortion issue, there’s enough squid ink being squirted in our faces on a daily basis to blind an elephant. I’m politically agnostic on abortion and… read more
Hillary Clinton Supporters Are Attempting To Incite A Red Scare Against Russia
Red panic has gripped America once again, though the people stoking it are far different and their motivations more sinister. Following Wikileaks’ release of hacked emails from the Democratic National… read more
Google’s Anti-White Sketch Of The Juno Mission Team Shows How Evil The Company Has Become
It’s probably a good thing that Google got rid of its longtime slogan, “Don’t be evil,” because the company’s been working around the clock on that front for years. Case… read more
Why You Should Beware Of “Inverted” Narcissist Women
While much digital ink has been spilled warning men to stay away from narcissistic women, there isn’t a whole lot of literature on inverted narcissist women. Inverted narcissists (also known… read more
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