Posts by
Matt Forney
Will A Crushing Victory In New York Reinvigorate Donald Trump’s Campaign?
After a poor few weeks for Donald Trump’s campaign, it looks like the Trump Train is back on track in his home state of New York. The Empire State votes… read more
Donald Trump’s Loss In Wisconsin Sets The Stage For Carnage In The Republican Convention
Tuesday night’s primary in Wisconsin is the first GOP primary since Arizona and Utah voted two weeks ago, and the party establishment has declared it to be the hill they’re… read more
Will The #CruzSexScandal Propel Donald Trump Into The White House?
Last week, the already Jerry Springer-esque presidential campaign descended to another level of inanity. The National Enquirer reported that Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz has cheated on… read more
Did George Soros Rig The Utah Vote To Help Ted Cruz Defeat Donald Trump?
With yet another primary day out of the way, Donald Trump has taken another big step towards the Oval Office. Both parties held primary elections in Arizona and Utah this… read more
Did The Anti-Donald Trump Riot In Chicago Help Trump Cruise To Victory On Tuesday?
With Donald Trump having won huge victories in four out of the five state primaries on Tuesday—as well as in the Northern Marianas Islands—cucks and leftists nationwide are resigning themselves… read more
Mark Zuckerberg Announces Plan To Censor Discussion Of Europe’s Refugee Crisis On Facebook
In the past, it took the power of oppressive, tyrannical governments to crush free speech. In the year 2016, we have multinational corporations doing it for us. Recently, Facebook CEO… read more
Official Timeline To The Worldwide Hysteria Over ROK’s International Meetup Day
With the dust settling and things returning to normal, it’s worth analyzing how the mass hysteria over International Meetup Day started. For more then a week, news outlets big and… read more
Twitter Appoints Anti-Free Speech Feminist Anita Sarkeesian To Head Trust And Safety Council
With Twitter caught in a death spiral for the past month, you’d figure that at some point, they’d stop digging and try to climb out of the hole. Instead, they’ve… read more
Did Microsoft Commit Voter Fraud In Iowa To Ensure Donald Trump’s Defeat?
The first shot in the presidential nomination has been fired, and the finger-pointing has begun. Last night, Ted Cruz pulled off an upset victory in the Iowa Republican caucuses, defeating… read more
How The Iowa Presidential Caucuses Work
Every election cycle, the year-long circus that is the presidential election begins with the Iowa caucuses. Candidates descend on the state like buzzards to a garbage truck, stumping at rallies… read more
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