Posts by
Matt Forney
How Jeb Bush Destroyed The Bush Dynasty And Tanked His Own Campaign
Poor Jeb Bush. At the beginning of this campaign, he was ready to take the GOP’s reins, wash out the bad taste left by his brother’s presidency, and save America… read more
Why Donald Trump’s Veterans’ Rally In Des Moines Was A Resounding Success
Last night, Donald Trump revolted against Fox News’ attempt to set a trap for him by skipping their GOP presidential debate, instead hosting a special rally for veterans at Drake… read more
Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign Is The Biggest Political Uprising In Decades
For the past week, I’ve been on the road in Iowa, covering the presidential campaigns in anticipation of the caucuses themselves on February 1st. I’ve checked out rallies and campaign… read more
Top 10 Worst Female Role Models In The Entire World
One of the most disturbing aspects of modern culture is the mainstream media’s obsession with promoting slutty, corrupt, and untrustworthy women under the guise of “empowerment.” While there’s nothing wrong… read more
5 Reasons Why Israel Is One Of The World’s Most Successful States
The nation of Israel is often held up by cuckservatives and Jews as an example of a country that has succeeded in the face of overwhelming odds. Despite being surrounded… read more
Will Ammon Bundy’s Oregon Uprising Herald A Revolt Against The U.S. Government?
Over the weekend, the Internet exploded following news that 150 armed militiamen had taken over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in rural Harney County, Oregon, near the border with Nevada…. read more
4 Reasons Why You Should Go To The Philippines While You Can
As ROK readers already know, I’m a big fan of the Philippines, having lived there for part of last year. Indeed, I just released Do the Philippines, a book on… read more
Is Porn Star Stoya Lying About Being Raped By James Deen?
Over the weekend, the feminist world was torn asunder with porn star Stoya’s claim that she was raped by industry colleague and former boyfriend James Deen. Deen has become one… read more
Why Is Ronda Rousey Allowed To Get Away With Beating Her Boyfriend?
If you’ve ever doubted that there’s one set of rules for men and another for women in society, just look at the case of Ronda Rousey. In her recent autobiography… read more
Yale Students Throw Temper Tantrum Over “Offensive” Email
With the rapidly decaying state of Western civilization, satire is almost redundant. Exhibit A: the collective meltdown unfolding at Yale University over an “offensive” email. On Wednesday, October 28, Dean… read more
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