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Matt Forney
How Left-Wing Activists Tried To Shut Down This Year’s NPI Conference
Last week I traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend the National Policy Institute’s conference “Become Who We Are.” If you don’t know what NPI is, it’s an identitarian think tank… read more
Will #CuckRogen Lead To The End Of Seth Rogen’s Career And Marriage?
In the past week, actor and “comedian” Seth Rogen has been under fire for his anti-white, anti-Christian views. The hashtags #BoycottTheNightBefore and #CuckRogen have been trending on Twitter for the… read more
University Of Manchester Bans Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos From Debate On Censorship
Real-world news is becoming so absurd that The Onion is practically superfluous. Case in point: a prominent journalist being invited by a university to debate censorship and free speech, only… read more
5 People That National Review Hates More Than Admitted Pedophile Todd Nickerson
This past week, the Internet exploded in justifiable rage at a Salon article titled “I’m a Pedophile, But Not a Monster” by Todd Nickerson. In the article, Nickerson claims to… read more
Oregon State Government Bankrupts Bar Owner For Refusing To Serve Transsexuals
While the saying “so goes California, so goes the nation” might still be accurate, the neighboring People’s Republic of Oregon also provides a glimpse into the dystopia that the radical… read more
Cuckservative Rick Wilson Melts Down In Response To Donald Trump Candidacy
With the ascent of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump showing no signs of abating, cuckservatives across the U.S. are losing their minds, and the GOP cucksultant leading the crybaby parade is… read more
Why The Manosphere’s Fear Of “TradCons” Is Misguided And Cowardly
Among blogs in this part of the Internet, you’ll often see men complaining about “traditional conservatives” or “TradCons,” citing them as a threat to men that is equal or greater… read more
Did The Media Drive Gay Black Man Vester Flanagan To Murder Two Journalists?
Yesterday, unemployed gay black journalist Vester Flanagan brutally killed two of his former colleagues at Roanoke, VA TV station WDBJ during the middle of a live broadcast before turning his… read more
How John Stuart Mill Demolished Roosh’s Feminist Opponents Over 150 Years Ago
With Return of Kings publisher Roosh taking a victory lap after holding two successful talks in Canada—despite the entire Canadian establishment trying to stop him—butthurt social justice freaks are licking… read more
The Canadian Establishment Is Working With Feminists To Shut Down Roosh’s Speeches
For the past couple of weeks, Canadian feminists have been on the warpath against Return of Kings publisher Roosh V, who is bringing his “State of Man” lecture to Montreal… read more
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