Posts by
Matt Forney
5 Modern Day Social Justice Warriors Who Would Have Been Institutionalized In The Past
Social justice warriors are known for their angry, morally righteous proclamations on the evils of modern society. Prominent SJWs such as Anita Sarkeesian, Laurie Penny and John Scalzi rail against… read more
4 Reasons Why Living Abroad Is Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be
Moving overseas is a common ambition for men in this part of the Internet, for various reasons: better women, cheaper cost of living, fewer laws, and so on. And while… read more
Did SJWs Sean Powell And Jocelyn Galvano-Pickett Help Get A Vermont State Trooper Fired? (UPDATE 2)
Last month, Vermont State Police trooper Jonathan Graham was forced to resign from his job after several “offensive” Facebook posts he made were anonymously reported to his superiors. The Facebook… read more
Brandon Bostian’s Amtrak Crash Exposes The Problems With Homosexuals In America
Last week, Amtrak engineer Brandon Bostian was responsible for a train derailment near Philadelphia, killing eight people and injuring several others. In the aftermath of the crash, mainstream media outlets… read more
Toronto Man Wrongly Fired From Job After “F*** Her Right In The Pussy” Incident
While we’re accustomed to people having their lives torn apart by angry Twitter lynch mobs over things they’ve said, sometimes you don’t even have to do that much to lose… read more
5 Reasons Why Chicago Is The Best City In America For Men
As my readers know, I recently relocated to Chicago after spending the better part of the past year hopping between various points in the Philippines and the U.S. While I’m… read more
Student Accused Of Rape By Emma Sulkowicz To Sue Columbia University
Paul Nungesser, the Columbia student who has been accused of rape by Emma Sulkowicz as part of her “Carry That Weight” project, is finally striking back. Nungesser is suing Columbia… read more
3 Things I Learned At This Year’s American Renaissance Conference
As my friend Blair Naso reported on Tuesday, we attended this year’s American Renaissance conference, held last weekend at Montgomery Bell State Park near Nashville. I wanted to go because… read more
Ellen Pao’s Anti-Male Hiring Policy Shows The Destructiveness Of Egalitarianism
Fresh off of attempting to rip off her former employer with a frivolous sexual discrimination lawsuit, Reddit CEO Ellen Pao has done it again. Pao made waves last week when… read more
Did Sarah Silverman Lie About Getting Paid Less Than A Man?
Recently, stand-up comedienne Sarah Silverman was caught in a huge lie about her past. In a video for the feminist group Levo League, Silverman claimed that during a stand-up show… read more
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